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Glenn G Valentine
Glenn G Valentine (Age 28) Associated Names: C Glenn Valentine, Woodside, CA Hillsborough, CA. Barbara M Valentine (Age 72)
Gleen G Valentine
30 Jun 2008 pulsing in goodness; love. / So excited, so ignited. / Ancient memories surface, / long-forgotten codes remembered,
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29 Jan 2011 MySpace - RIP GLENN G ORDONEZ LOVE YOU 2/7/77-1/23/10 <33 - 26 . Crusade: The Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War - Google Books Result.
Robert G Valentine
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13 Jan 2011 Mt Hope- Valentine . Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: Genealogy Report: Ancestors of.
Robert G Valentine
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Valentine Jr, Glenn G Possible Aka's: VALENTINE , G G. VALENTINE , GLENN G .... Valentine , Glenn W Possible Aka's: VALENTINE , G VALENTINE , GLEN W
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Glenn G Valentine Jeannine G Valentine Lauren Michelle Valentine . Robert Valentine Age 73 View Lana G Valentine Linda Lee Whitfield Wren Valentine .
Gleen G Valentine
5 Jan 2011 G's Valentine Glenn's is slightly more masculine, but he is still prey to my love of ribbons & glitter. :) With the clock stamp & "forever"
Glenn G Valentine
Glenn G Valentine . The economics of gender - Google Books Result.
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